Asbestos in the workplace

Learn about asbestos, its types, and the health risks associated with exposure. Understand the importance of managing asbestos in the workplace, the UK’s Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, and the role of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in enforcing these regulations. Discover the safety measures necessary to protect workers from the dangers of asbestos, including the use of personal protective equipment and proper asbestos removal procedures.

All you need to know about asbestos in the workplace

If you are a commercial or industrial property owner or manager, then the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR2012) imparts on you a legal duty to manage asbestos levels and ACM’s (Asbestos Containing Materials) at those premises. 

While the everyday management of asbestos can be carried out in-house or outsourced to a management company, the legal duty cannot be delegated. The property owner remains responsible for ensuring that any appointed persons are competent to fulfil the responsibilities they face in meeting this duty. 

We have seen that commercial property owners are particularly at risk of being taken advantage of by asbestos surveyors and management companies offering poor advice. It is worth checking that the recommendations you have been given are necessary before committing to any expense. Our policy at Total Group is to provide clear advice to help the client save money, not to offer remedial actions to make us money. 

If you are responsible for maintenance on the building, you are classified as the Duty Holder, and it is your responsibility to create an asbestos management plan for the building 

The first step of this is a Management Survey. Please note that you simply cannot say ‘We don’t have any asbestos in here, so I don’t need one.’ We have seen numerous prosecutions over the years from building owners using this theory and inevitably they are wrong. 

We recommend that you engage professionals such as us to conduct an asbestos survey and have us provide you with a full report and recommendations. 


FAQ for Commercial Buildings

Having an asbestos survey carried out and then maintaining asbestos records is a legal requirement under Health & Safety legislation. This is to protect maintenance workers and building occupiers from exposure to asbestos.

As part of the government’s urban regeneration scheme, under the Finance Act 2001, it is possible to claim 150% of the cost of asbestos remediation against your company’s profits as tax relief.

For example: if asbestos removal costs £10,000 a company can deduct £15,000 from their taxable income. This also means that if the company made a loss, then they could be eligible for a cash rebate. This concession only applies to UK-registered companies and does not apply if the building or land was owned by the company when the asbestos was originally imported. Ask your company’s accountant or financial advisor for more information on how this might apply to you.

It is possible to have an asbestos survey carried out in-house, but the surveyor must be deemed officially competent to carry out the work required. This means he/she must:

  • Have sufficient training, qualifications, knowledge, and experience
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the tasks to be undertaken and the work therein
  • Demonstrate impartiality, integrity, and independence
  • Have a compliant Quality Management System
  • Carry out the survey in according with HSG264

In practice, very few property owners or companies can meet these requirements from within their own staff. That is why it is best to engage specialists like Meyer Environmental Ltd. to conduct your asbestos survey

As a commercial property owner, you have a legal duty to manage asbestos at your premises under the Control of Asbestos (CAR2012) regulations. Whilst the day-to-day management of asbestos can be delegated to a manager or management company, the legal duty cannot be delegated. The property owner is still ultimately responsible for ensuring that any appointed persons are competent to fulfil the responsibilities laid out under this duty.

You may be surprised to hear that we actually see asbestos removal as a last resort. Asbestos is only dangerous if it is disturbed and therefore no remedial actions may be needed if the ACMs in your building are stable and likely to remain that way. Other remedial actions, apart from removal, may also provide a solution if necessary. These include encapsulation, isolation, or repairs.

Asbestos in Homes

Learn about the risks of asbestos, a hazardous material commonly found in homes. This guide covers the health dangers of asbestos exposure, including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma, and provides essential information on proper handling, safety precautions, and professional asbestos removal to safeguard your health and home

What is Are Asbestos Surveys

Learn about the different types of asbestos surveys conducted in the UK, including asbestos management surveys, asbestos refurbishment and demolition surveys, and asbestos reinspection surveys. Find out why these surveys are crucial for identifying and managing the presence of asbestos in buildings, and how they ensure the safety.

What Are Pre-Demolition Surveys?

A pre-demolition survey is an essential step in any demolition project. By conducting a thorough assessment of the building or structure, potential hazards can be identified and appropriate measures can be taken to ensure a safe and efficient demolition

Refurbishment Survey

A refurbishment survey is a critical step in the refurbishment process in the UK. It helps to identify and manage the risks associated with asbestos-containing materials, ensuring the safety of workers and occupants. By engaging a qualified surveyor to conduct the survey, duty holders

Asbestos Removal

Total Asbestos is a leading asbestos removal company in the UK, offering comprehensive services including surveys, testing, and removal. With a focus on safety, regulatory compliance, and cutting-edge technology, they manage projects across residential, commercial, industrial, and public sectors. 

Types of Asbestos

Asbestos has been included in many materials in the last 150 years.  Three common types of asbestos can be found in buildings: Crocidolite (Blue Asbestos), Amosite (Brown Asbestos), Chrysotile (White Asbestos)

Managing Asbestos

The strategy of the HSE is to ensure that those involved in the repair, removal or disturbance of asbestos containing materials (ACMs), such as insulation coatings or insulation boards, are licensed & competent 

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos was commonly used as a construction material in the UK between the 1950s and 1980s in particular. If your home was built between these years, chances are that you are living with Asbestos

Control Of Asbestos Regulations 2012

The control of asbestos regulation 2012 came into force on 6 April 2012. In practice the changes are fairly limited. They mean that some types of non-licensed work with asbestos now have additional requirements, i.e. notification of work, medical surveillance and record keeping.

Asbestos In The Workplace

Learn about asbestos, its types, and the health risks associated with exposure. Understand the importance of managing asbestos in the workplace, the UK’s Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, and the role of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in enforcing these regulations. Discover the safety measures necessary to protect workers 

Brownfield Land Remediation Contractors

We have tackled some of the most complex remediation projects undertaken in the United Kingdom, surpassing industry standards. Our diverse range of experience and expertise sets us apart and we continually deliver to the highest standards

Total Asbestos Consultancy

Total Asbestos stands as a premier provider of comprehensive asbestos consultancy services across the UK. Renowned for their expertise and unwavering commitment to safety, Total Asbestos offers a wide array of services designed to address the multifaceted challenges posed by asbestos.

Asbestos Management Plan

An asbestos management plan is essential for managing asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in buildings. It aims to protect occupants and workers from asbestos exposure through identification, assessment, and control of ACMs.

Asbestos Dangers

Learn about the dangers of asbestos, its health risks including mesothelioma and lung cancer, and how to protect yourself from exposure. Understand the regulations and laws regarding asbestos, and find resources and support for asbestos-related issues. 

Types Of Asbestos

Learn about the different types of asbestos, including chrysotile asbestos, amphibole asbestos, tremolite asbestos, and anthophyllite asbestos. Understand the characteristics and health risks associated with each type of asbestos.

How To Manage Asbestos

Dealing with asbestos requires caution and adherence to proper safety procedures. Identifying asbestos and taking appropriate action is crucial to protect the health and well-being of individuals. If you suspect the presence of asbestos.

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